Kids Shopping Cart Cars

Certainly by now you have seen those new ultra-long SUV type shopping carts, where in fact the kids sit in the plastic car in the front and pretend to steer down the isles? stuffies toy for Store Managers since it keeps kids from pulling items off the shelves. This causes unnecessary spillage, product loss and time to tidy up the mess. Makes a lot of sense and the kids seem happy, stay taken care of and do not get stepped on by fast moving shoppers as if you and I. Zooom!

One thing you may not have thought of is that retail merchandisers are actually putting kids type products on the low shelves. And companies selling things that kids like pay to be on those lower shelves instead of only at the standard eye degree of kids sitting in shopping carts, that is closer to the eye degree of adults. This means they’re freeing up a few of that high rent space and able to put more items lower, which they can charge for also, this is helping their shelf space programs they sell to manufacturers of retail products.

Those who sell products may wish to be thinking here for anyone who is selling to spoiled children that are now riding lower in the carts yelling; “mommy, I want, want!” In essence the children’s department at the grocery stores is currently split to two levels and the food markets are loving it

Author: grnafrica

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